They sat across from each other The little girl and the scared boy One more quiet The other making up for the silence They sat with their eyes dancing around Each other’s mouths Longing to taste A small slice of...
I’d like you to grow a beard so that when you whisper in my ear the bristles chafe against my cheek I’d like you to stutter an interrupted thought from the sudden wink I give mid sentence in conversation with...
St Paul’s Cathedral At times I lie here under quilted half sleep I think of your cobbled madness tucked into alleyways of rogue tourists At times the lull of a metro worm here reminds me of sooted nostrils there Of...
Go forth and bring peace to the world they told us Yours are the voices Your hearts will set things straight (as if in its crookedness we are falling off the planet, us unsung heroines) Every story you share will...
I believe each person is equal let’s not deceive ourselves by creating differences then say they existed before we were born I believe the colour of human skin differs but we all bleed red We all shit and piss the...
No, please tell me what to wear tell me what I wear when I choose what I wear is wrong Tell me how to speak or explain what I speak in ways others understand, because you know, if I...