I recently went on a date with a (grown) man who offered me lurid details about his colonoscopy. While having a roast beef dinner. Yes ladies and gentlemen, that is what you sometimes must endure when you start looking for...
Call me crazy because I enjoy the thrill of the chase, seducing the deer caught in my blaze Call me crazy because fire leaps from me, propelling impulsive decisions with which you don't agree Call me crazy because I...
I went to an all-girls school. We had little awareness of the budding magic of our young bodies, we did not have boyfriends, a party was a sleepover with amateur manicures and gossip. We did not have any internet, our...
Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself. They come through you but not from you, And though they are with you yet they belong not to you. You are the...
Go forth and bring peace to the world they told us Yours are the voices Your hearts will set things straight (as if in its crookedness we are falling off the planet, us unsung heroines) Every story you share will...
No, please tell me what to wear tell me what I wear when I choose what I wear is wrong Tell me how to speak or explain what I speak in ways others understand, because you know, if I...