I believe

Category: Poems | Tags: Courage, Freedom, Identity, Me, Shame

I believe each person is equal

let’s not deceive ourselves by creating differences then say they existed before we were born

I believe the colour of human skin differs

but we all bleed red

We all shit and piss the same way

Cry and love and light up when praised

I believe animals heal humans more than the other way round

And we destroy our healers

Sages who accept

who are wrecked by the bullet of pride, greed, something inside which can’t be quelled with trophies

I believe god is in the buzz of a bee’s wings and the autumn leaf

falling graceful slow to Earth’s carpet

In a sleeping infant’s soft wheeze

And three green lights in a row on a morning I am late to something

Steam warm circles on winter glass, write your name, believe the memory of you will stay long after it’s dry and cold

I believe freedom is discriminatory and has no value without the support of its environment

I believe who you love, who you fuck, what you eat, what makes you cry is nobody’s business

The child you couldn’t, didn’t, needn’t, shouldn’t, mustn’t have had not had had not had had

I believe I am only mine and no weight of guilt can make me love myself less, can shame me, can tell me how I feel

I know what I feel

don’t explain

I believe in a universe of infinite connections, so supernaturally strung as to celebrate or destroy lifetimes of labour

Like ourobouros we reinvent, reconfigure, realign and gain momentum in the many kindnesses around us

I believe there is nothing better than this moment

I believe in this moment

Dubai, March 2017


Hello! I’m Peri Desai

I’m Peri, welcome to my space. In it you will find stuff that moves me, maddens me, captures my attention, makes me question its truth. You will read what makes me curious, annoyed, energized, joyful, vulnerable.

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